Sign up for opportunities going on at Clinton FBC

See all of our opportunities below.

  • Marriage Conference

    Making the Most of Marriage Conference

    We are excited to host Don & Barb Blackmore for our Making the Most of Marriage Conference!

    Don is the Discipleship Pastor at Central Baptist Jonesboro. He and Barb have been married for 42 years, have 4 daughters and 9 grandkids.

    They are excited to share how putting Christ at the center of our marriage unlocks a joy we can't have without Him.

    Cost is $10 per couple. Dinner and Childcare are provided. Register now!

  • Disciplines of a Godly Man

    Disciplines of a Godly Man

    Men, this is a black coffee no sugar added kind of men’s discipleship. We will focus on what it means to be a godly man and to live out our faith in our families, church, work, school, and community.

    We will meet weekly from 6-7:15am for breakfast and discipleship. Each group meets for 6-8 weeks, takes a short break, and comes back for more.

    This is open to teenagers and adults.

    Remember, part of biblical discipleship is biblical accountability, speaking truth in love. Meaning, we won’t just talk about these things, we will hold each other accountable and encourage each other in living them out.

    Hope you will join us in the New Year. Starting date will be announced in January, but you can preregister now.

  • Super Summer 2025 Registration

    Register for Super Summer 2025! June 21-24 for JV and June 24-28 for SS. Deadline for registration is March 31.